Saturday, January 4, 2020

Carlos Ghosn

Carlos Ghosn, French-Lebanese-Brazilian.
Was the CEO of France-based Renault, and CEO of Japan-based Nissan.
  • The cost of his escape included $14 million in forfeited bail money while the operation that saw him celebrate New Year’s Eve in Beirut could have cost $15 million or more.
  • That includes $350,000 for the private jet that spirited the former auto executive from Osaka to Istanbul and millions of dollars for his multicountry extraction that would have taken a team of as many as 25 people half a year to plan, according to a private security expert who said he wasn’t involved and asked not to be identified given the nature of the operation.
  • Such outflows have seen Ghosn’s fortune shrink by 40% since he was arrested more than a year ago at Tokyo’s Haneda Airport, according to estimates by the Bloomberg Billionaires Index. His fortune is now calculated to be about $70 million, down from around $120 million at the time of his first court appearance a year ago.
Nissan  is trying to evict him from the pink villa in Beirut to which he still has access. The carmaker purchased it for $8.75 million, renovated it and furnished it for him, according to a person familiar with the matter.

Carlos Ghosn as a baby

Olympics in Rio, Brazil 

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