Sunday, November 20, 2011

Spanish Vote Turns Power to Conservatives

Supporters of the conservative Popular Party celebrated their victory in Spanish elections on Sunday.  The "Z" on the sign refers to Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, the current prime minister.

MADRID—Mariano Rajoy's Popular Party had a commanding lead in Spain's general elections on Sunday, as voters dealt a sharp rebuke to the ruling Socialist Party undermined by borrowing costs that hover near levels that triggered the international bailouts of several fiscally frail euro-zone peers.
With 43% of the ballots tallied, the Popular Party had 43% of the vote, which would give the conservatives a comfortable parliamentary majority of 185 seats, while Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba's Socialist Party had captured 29% of the vote.

Mariano Rajoy, the head of the Popular Party, is expected to take over as prime minister next month.

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