Friday, August 2, 2013

Forgiveness of Assissi

FORGIVENESS OF ASSISI: St. Francis of Assisi was once asked by a friar to speak about forgiveness.

St. Francis said: "It pleases us a lot to talk about forgiveness. Forgiveness opens the door of the true happiness, and it sets our hearts free from the oppression of our consciousness. Forgiveness is so holy that it makes us forget the injury, favoring us to re-make friends.

Who already understood the need of forgiving, it is finally understanding there is a spiritual comfort; who forgives the neighbor for duty, it is a student at the school of self-charity; and who forgives the neighbor for love, it is already free from him/herself and it is connected with the Divine Love.

Forgiveness is the peace itself! It is the help of the hopelessness because it transforms hatred into love."

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