Thursday, April 10, 2014

Poland 1966 : Technical Congress in Katowice // 2 stamps

Poland 1966 : Technical Congress in Katowice  // 2 stamps

  • Fischer 1504-1505 | Michel 1653-1654 | Scott 1387-1394 
  • Year of issue 1966 | People's Republic of Poland
  • Fifth congress for Polish technicians in Katowice. Decorative labels are attached to these stamps.

1504 Ways of transportation, emblem
1505 Digging tower

V Kongres techników polskich = Fifth congress for Polish technicians.
XX Rocznica nacjonalizacji przemysłu = 20th anniversary of the nationalisation of the industry.
NOT (Naczelna Organizacja Techniczna) = Chief Technical Organisation, today: Federacja Stowarzyszeń Naukowo = Federation of Engineering Associations.


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