Sunday, May 25, 2014

Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels

Goebbels, pictured with Adolf Hitler, his wife Magda and his children

Joseph Goebbels was one of the most important and influential people in Nazi Germany.
  • Hitler put him in charge of the party's propaganda machine in 1929 and he played a key role in implementing the dictator's agenda.
  • His limp and sharp tongue earned him the nickname among some as the 'Poison Dwarf'.
  • He organised attacks against Jews, banned them from the world of the arts and media, censored the news and supported Nazi propaganda films.
  • As WWII turned in favour of the Allies, he increased his propaganda in order to convince the German people of the idea of 'total war' and mobilisation.
  • Goebbels killed himself and his wife, and their six biological children with cyanide capsules the day after Hitler committed suicide in 1945.

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