Thursday, October 2, 2014

Poland 1969 : Polish writers // Set of 7 stamps

Poland 1969 : Polish writers   // Set of 7 stamps
  • Fischer 1832-1838 | Michel 1979-1985 | Scott 1711-1717
  • Year of issue 1969 | People's Republic of Poland

1832 Leopold Staff
1833 Władysław Broniewski
1834 Leon Kruczkowski
1835 Julian Tuwim
1836 Konstanty Ildefons Gałczyński
1837 Maria Dąbrowska
1838 Zofia Nałkowska

Leopold Staff (1878-1957), Polish poet, active in the literary-art environment in Lwów.
Władysław Broniewski (1897-1962), Polish poet, soldier in the Polish Legion.
Leon Kruczkowski (1900-1962), Polish writer and reporter.
Julian Tuwim (1894-1953), Polish poet, one of the poetic group Skamander.
Konstanty Ildefons Gałczyński (1905-1953), Polish poet.
Maria Dąbrowska (1889-1965), Polish writer.
Zofia Nałkowska (1884-1954), Polish writer.


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