Thursday, September 25, 2014

Siena : Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta

The Siena Cathedral is one of Italy's great medieval monuments, constructed in the 13th century
Numerous artists over the centuries contributed to its splendor; Duccio's stained glass window, Donatello & Michelangelo's statues, Pinturicchio's frescoes and Bernini's Lantern are just a fraction of the artistic and architectural achievements housed here. The marble interior is in the city colours of Siena, black and white stripes, and the huge mosaic floor tells stories of the cities lore and biblical scenes.

Lupa che allatta Romolo e Remo, c. 1373 tarsia marmorea, Cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta, Siena
Romulus and Remus, c. 1373 marble marquetry, Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta, Siena


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