Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Poland 1966 : Poland 1000 years // 2 stamps

Poland 1966 : Poland 1000 years   // 2 stamps
  • Fischer 1590-1591 | Michel 1738-1739 | Scott 1464-1465 
  • Year of issue 1966 | People's Republic of Poland
Eagle (coat of arms of Poland) and book, hammer and ear of wheat (the symbols for science, labor and agriculture)

Eagle (coat of arms of Poland) and a map of Poland with symbols for industry and agriculture

  • PRL (Polska Rzeczpospolita Ludowa) = People's Republic of Poland.
  • Spadkobierczynią tradycji tysiąclecia = An heir to the thousand year heritage 

  • 966 refers to the origins of Poland in the year 966.
  • 1945 refers to the year when Soviet communism began to dominate Poland.
  • 1966 is the year when this series of stamps was issued to commemorate a thousand years of Polish statehood.


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